Littlest Pet Shop - Fall 2020 Line

As the lead graphic designer for the LPS Fall 2020 line, I was responsible for the creative direction and design of the 4 core SKUs within the line. What makes this line unique is that all 4 price points are blind offerings, and we designed the packages to be part of the opening experience. In addition, the packages can all be reused for re-playability and pet storage, also meaning that both the exterior and interiors of each had to be designed. The unifying theme of the line are all locations where you would find pets, including a pet carrier, pet house, grooming parlor, and pet store emporium. All of the pet illustrations are unique to the line, there is a unique sticker sheet in each offering, and there is also a cross sell sheet included with each package. The packages were designed in 4 language as well.

Pet Carrier $2.99: This package is designed as part of a PDQ but can also be retailed via hang tag. The pet can be placed back in the carrier for storage or prolonged play.

Pet House $4.99: The pet house is unique in that it houses one pet, but there is a trap door inside that houses accessories. It is also part of a PDQ.

Pet Parlor $9.99: Like the the pet house, the pet parlor also has a trap door, this time disguised as a closet.

Pet Shop $24.99: Filled with different compartments, the pet shop has interior rooms designed to mimic pet habitats, some with trap doors to explore.

Additional Materials & Opening Experience