Littlest Pet Shop - Frosted Wonderland Collection launched in Fall 2019.

The Frosted Wonderland Collection consists of SKUs at 3 price points. Because of this, I needed to create a unified design across the product line, while also showcasing an increase in quality based on price.

Frosted Flurries $2.99: This 4 language Frosted Flurries SKU is a blind opening experience with a unique snowflake shaped blister. When the consumer pulls the upper tab, the inner teensie LPS pet is revealed. This SKU also has a corresponding PDQ.

Frosted Favorites $9.99: The Frosted Favorites consists of 4 SKUs, each with a different frosted color scheme. The package also has a unique, custom designed snowflake blister, with 3 teensie pets and 4 mini pets visible.

Frosted Wonderland $14.99: The Frosted Wonderland SKU is a great offering of 8 teensie and 8 mini LPS pets. Like the other products in the line, this product has a dynamic snowflake blister, as well as a hang tag which allows it to be merchandised on shelf or pegged. The back of the package includes a cross-sell of the other items in the line.