New York Toy Fair 2020 - Hasbro Gaming

The Hasbro Gaming section of NYTF 2020 was my largest event space to date, and it encompassed both Hasbro Gaming and Monopoly. As you can see flipping through the photographs, we designed the space to take viewers through the town of Monopoly where we utilized inspiration from current package art, leading into the Hasbro Gaming house.

This came to be because I and team were looking for ways to incorporate our Hasbro Gaming characters into the design, and decided that we could make the characters come to life while having our different games/brands showcased in rooms of a house. Using a minimalist line art aesthetic, I illustrated the wall art so that our games and the characters could sit in the foreground, while alluding to a home.

The space design required me to learn SketchUp as I was unable to visit the space during development (sample video below), work with cross-functional partners to ensure proper brand communication, translate floor plans and elevations, and work with vendors for assets and character creation. I was also able to attend Toy Fair this year to assist in set up of the space.

SketchUp Screen Grabs